Funder Styles: Alignment towards Impact and Outcomes

Our guide to Funder Styles - Connecting Purpose to Evaluation was created to help our community of funders create alignment and set expectations around measurement and evaluation efforts. In our work with different funders over the years, we've noticed some organizations take a storytelling approach, others track with quantitative data, and some require a mix of both. But when organizations don't align internally with these efforts, it can cause confusion for everyone. This tool is meant to support that alignment.
Now that we've had this tool available for more than a year, we'd love to get more information from you!
Which Funder Style is your organization? If you feel you are more than one style please let us in the comments.
And, if you're willing to expand, we'd love to hear more about your evaluation efforts. When has data helped find a trend? How do you tell stories of your grantees' success? How have you changed your measurement and evaluation efforts based on grantee feedback?
Funder Styles: Alignment towards Impact and Outcomes 8 votes
More than one
For us at the Hancock County Community Foundation in Indiana, it depends on the type of grant. We have a capacity-building grant where I am much more immersed, walking the staff and board through a organizational assessment and helping them choose a consultant. For our general grantmaking for programming and capital improvement, we are much more directive.
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Immersive Analyst: embraces collaborative grantmaking often has more of a learning focus and tends to use both qualitative and quantitative data
Leaning ever more toward Trust Based Philanthropy, operational funding