Collaborative/Pooled Funding/COVID Crisis Program

If your community is launching a single application for a collaborative grant program and pooling funds to respond to the (enormous) COVID-19 impacts, please share your experiences.
Stay well, Stay home.
Yes, we activated our disaster recovery fund and opened a disaster grants process in GLM. United Way and two other foundations (gaming revenue based...we are a community foundation) donated to the fund. So resources are pooled to award through our one application process. One staff from each of the other 3 funders are making decisions along with us. So we created user profiles for them in GLM and assigned them the board member role so they can complete evaluations. They have made decisions on a first round of grants and are getting ready to review a second round. Here is the link to info on the fund:
Hope this helps...let me know if you have any other questions. :)
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Hi Lacey.
Thanks for the opportunity to brag about my community! :)
There are 6 funders in Frederick Co., MD who meet on a regular basis. When this crisis hit, we came together quickly, in part to stem the GoFundMe requests, some of which might not be legitimate.
The Community Foundation worked with us to create a simple, common app. The United Way handled press releases and promoted a campaign to encourage individuals in the community to join in giving. Another Foundant funder from an adjacent county, which also gives in Frederick Co., committed a large amount.
The Community Foundation gave a rep from each funder the role of Committee Member, and we can review and evaluate the grants as they come in. Each funder is able to "grab" any grant(s) they feel meet their mission. Once approved, funds are taken from the dollars that funder contributed. We opted not to decide as a group which requests to funds, as some of the funders wanted to retain the ability for their grants committees to make those decisions.
We anticipate there will be waves of funds added to the pool as this crisis plays out. Click here for more info.
Take care everyone!