Regional Training Greenfield, IN GLM: 8.11.23 Organize & Cleanup Site – perhaps once/year

Foundant support - please edit as needed
Submitted follow-ups might build up – look through & mark complete
This shows 1 line per follow-up, so one grant request might be listed in each tab if one follow-up has been assigned, one submitted and one completed.
Mark submitted forms complete, especially in follow-ups.
For completed Follow-ups, the next step is to close them completely. NEVER batch closed because you may not have received all of your follow-ups. Instead, maybe narrow down by process, and look at them individually.
You can revert the status if you close a request.
Tools Dropdown
Process Manager
Processes that are currently accepting applications should be turned on and active. If a due date has passed & you are not accepting applications, turn it off and achive it (you can restore it when needed). If you archive a process, you will be able to copy the entire but not a form out of it.
You can only delete forms, you cannot archive
Shared Documents
Review as needed
Search Dropdown
You can click “Duplicate Search” and have the option to merge organizations when needed.
You have to search on something to get the archived dropdown.
If you merge organizations, you might create duplicate users, so view the organization once merged and check the list of contacts
You might search for duplicate emails
You can click to merge duplicates; if you merge, it cannot be undone.
Communications Dropdown - Review cleanup these occasionally
Email Templates
Email Attachments
Email History – you can delete items here but the email will remain in the request
Reports cannot be recovered if deleted
Reports – There is a warning when you click delete
Data Sets – There is NO warning when you click delete