Regional Training GLM: 8.10.23 Ques Branching & tables for Forms Overview: Standard Lic & above

Foundant Support Team - PLEASE edit any errors.
Plan ahead. When starting to build a table, start with columns first. Max 5 columns, unlimited # of rows.
Project Budget example:
1st column, text box "Expense 1." Max text length - recommend no more than 100 characters. Check visibility & required type.
2nd column, currency column, rename "Projected Expense Amt 1."
3rd column, Text column, rename "Expense 1 Interim Report." Visibility, Administrations; Type, Optional. (if required, you cannot close until you enter something."
4th column: Text column, rename "Final Grant Expenses."
Add Header Row, edit all for Applicant visibility
3 dots on left (or top right): move, edit, clone, delete. "Clone" - now you can just change the 1s to 2s - change to optional since they may not have multiple expenses.
Can add a row to sum columns.
May want to use drop down columns with single select answers. i.e. individuals served (so you don't end up with random answers ,"kids" vs. "Children" vs. "adult":
Children Age newborn - 4
Children Age 5-10
Question Branching:
Trigger question, i.e. type of request, "program," "equipment," "marketing"
Edit group & click box "show this group based on branching rules"
Edit Group, question branching rules. Add rule, set up rules.