Congrats to the July Top 10!

Congratulations to @codifarrar, @JonathanHeuer, @JessicaMartin, @TedVasquez, @SamBennett, @KathyMorris, @jillianpruitt, @AmandaHicks, @kathleensayce and @TammyKerch for being on July's Top 10 Leaderboard! 🏆️🏆️🏆️
As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a surprise. The winner will be tagged in a comment below!
Need a reminder on how to earn points and earn a spot on the leaderboard? Check out this post! 😀
-Gretta, Compass Intern
This month's winner is @kathleensayce! Kathleen is the treasurer at the South Pacific County Community Foundation in Nahcotta, WA, U.S.A! Outside of work, she loves to hike and grow native plants!
Be sure to check your email for a surprise pick-me-up in the next coming days, Kathleen! 🎉
(Name randomly drawn from