Welcome to Connected Philanthropy - A new subcommunity for BOTH funders and nonprofits!

The Connected Philanthropy forum is dedicated to creating a collaborative space for funders and nonprofits to share ideas, gain insights and find inspiration to maximize the impact on the philanthropic community.
@EricaBarnhart is kicking off this new space in Compass with a discussion about impactful communications. Meet Erica, take a quiz and register for April's webinar!
You'll easily find your new Connected Philanthropy subcommunity on the Compass homepage at this icon:
or at this link:
As always, be sure to update your notification preferences so you receive updates most relevant to you. Be sure both boxes are checked next to Connected Philanthropy:
We look forward to your contributions!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|