New Donor and online donor stewardship

DavetteSwineyDavetteSwiney Posts: 20 ✭✭✭
Groundbreaker Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper
edited January 2023 in Fund Development

We've just finished our second year using CSuite including the online giving functionality and are seeing an increased # of gifts and average gift $ for our online gifts. This has led us to re-examine how we intersect with these donors.

  • Do you utilize the auto-tax receipt feature in Csuite and/or the auto-tax receipt in Stripe? Why? We want to make sure our donors are being sincerely "thanked" and not just receipted. If you do something beyond the auto-receipt, I am interested in what and the process you use to execute this.

  • As a "newer' community foundation, most of our gifts were from fundholders or people we were actively working with and had a relationship. It was easy for us to add people to our newsletter or event invite list as we were manually processing each gift (check). As our # of funds has grown and gifts come from "new to us" people (particularly online donors), we need to adjust our stewardship. It is easy to not stay as aware of the donor activity of online giving. How do you incorporate new donors into your communications and relationship-building processes? Do you handle donors to memorial funds differently - particularly those that come in right after a death?

I am interested in lots of ideas - what has worked, what hasn't worked - and if we are over thinking this, you can tell me that too!

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