
How do people handle these requests in Foundant? Not necessarily processing them or making changes but collecting the requests, especially now when there is a greater need than usual? We are thinking through two options and wondering if anyone has tried either and what the benefits or pitfalls were.

  1. An Ext/Amd follow up form that can be assigned to a grant if an email request comes in. Allows us to collect specific standardized information in order to be able to evaluate the request.
    1. Issue could be due dates of already assigned Follow Up reports - i.e. upcoming reports, overdue reports, submitted but not marked completed reports...
  2. A separate restricted Process for Ext/Amd that we send the access code out if an email request comes in. Use the application form to collect the standard responses and evaluate - approve, etc.
    1. Issue could be relating the Ext/Amd application to the original grant record. They'd be separate. Would have to identify correctly. Not insurmountable depending on grant volume.

Any thoughts or best practices would be greatly appreciated.



  • SammieHolzwarth
    SammieHolzwarth Posts: 15 ✭✭✭
    Wine Connoisseur Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer
    edited May 2020

    Hi @DonRoeseke,

    I think your two above options are the ones we see most commonly used.

    I remember a conversation at a User Group a while back and most people in that group were leaning towards or were using the Follow Up scenario you describe above. Depending on your license type, some users will actually use internal follow ups which will remove the issues with dates and marking of forms complete, it does put the work of filling out the extension on internal staff as apposed to the applicant, however.

    Hopefully, others will chime in on their experience and please keep us posted on the route you choose to go.

    Best, Sammie