Development Committee Responsibilities

Hello everyone,
I have been at our CF for about 18 months. I want to re-envision our Development Committee's job description (it is currently non-existent). Does anyone have templates they could share of what is working well for them?
We are currently a committee of 4-6 (myself as the Development Officer, our Board Chair in ex-officio status, a Board Member as Committee Chair and then at least one other Board Member and one or two community members.
Right now, I typically tell them what I am doing and they give feedback. I would like to find ways to get them more engaged. Maybe "thank yous" to donors or other strategies.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Laura Malone | Development Officer
Community Foundation Lorain County
Hi @LauraMalone
I am just at the starting point of some Donor Journey mapping work, along with internal best practices for stewardship and how to record/reflect this in Foundant. Happy to share with you at a future date, just reach out to me.