Use of Classy for fund-specific fundraising?

Is any other Community Foundation using Classy? We have an affiliate fund that is thinking about using Classy for their specific fundraising (P2P and crowdfunding) and we'd appreciate the opportunity to talk to another CF using it. Thanks!
Hi Kathy,
I'm certainly familiar with Classy but I can't say that I know of any specific foundations that are using their platform. (I'm guessing we have clients using them but I'm just not familiar) I know of multiple community foundations that use GiveGab for their P2P and giving day programs so I could make some connections to references if you'd like.
Another option might be to use the CommunitySuite Grants Catalog for your affiliate fund. The Grants Catalog certainly doesn't have all the bells & whistles of some of the focuses P2P/Crowdsourcing tools but the price is right 😁 and it might be a good way to test a program before making a bigger investment.
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Thanks, Daren. They need P2P/Crowd sourcing bells and whistles at this point. We've offered them grant catalog and have also used GiveGab as well as MightyCause in the past for our giving day (neither are as user friendly as they want). If you hear of anyone using CSuite in conjunction with Classy, we'd be interested in learning more. (The fund is going with Classy for a year and they have a sponsor paying for it.)
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Sounds good and keep us posted on the experience so we can share with others. Don't hesitate to reach out to your CSM if you need guidance as you consider options for potentially transferring Profile and/or financial data into CSuite from Classy. It would likely be a manual export/import but still better than a lot of manual data entry.
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Hi there! Wondering if @KathyWhitlow or any other CFs are using Classy? And how you're then getting donor and donation information into CSuite? Would love to hear about your experience. Thanks!
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