Incentivizing Fund Adviser Portal Use?

Colleagues -

We are hoping to garner some more enrollment/usage on our Donor/Fund Adviser portal. How have you all gotten higher rates of enrollment? Matching? Prize drawings? Open to lots of options and ideas!

Thank you!


  • LaurelShulmanLaurelShulman Posts: 81 ✭✭✭
    Voter Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited April 2022

    Triangle Community Foundation continues to increase the % of fund advisors that have successfully logged into the donor portal by uplifting additional functionality that is offered online. At first, we did this by emphasizing its ease of use and accurate grants processing, then we released fund statements online (prior to CSuite we printed them and it took a while for donors to receive them) and emphasized the annual spendable allocation data available in the donor portal when we did that calculation. We haven't offered any prizes but generally continued to emphasize that it works better, reduces errors, and speeds up the grants processing time. We've tracked our donor's engagement with the portal by exporting the fund advisor CSV and analyzing which fund advisors have a password (or not).

    Nov. 2020 - 47.3% of donors logged in

    July 2021 - 64.9% of donors logged in

    Nov. 2021- 68% of donors logged in

    Feb. 2022 - 70% of donors logged in

    We believe the barriers to using the portal include the donor's age and technology literacy, which includes tech issues that we are not prepared to troubleshoot such as settings on personal computers related to passwords.

    Here are our materials for our donors to answer questions about using the portal:

    Here is how we publicized the donor portal during our migration:

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