What COVID changes are you keeping?

RikkaHoliday Posts: 16 ✭✭✭
World Traveler Third Compass Anniversary 25 Likes First Comment
edited May 2021 in Crisis Response

I know we all made big changes in the last year because of COVID-19, so I am just wondering are you keeping any of the changes you made because they suit your organization?

  • What changes did your organization make?
  • What methods are you definitely going back to?
  • What are you keeping?


  • TriciaTaylor
    TriciaTaylor Posts: 1
    First Compass Anniversary

    Our scholarship program went completely digital, and we found our donors prefer to receive their award applications this way. The application component will stay digital in the future, as we found it was easier from an administrative side, and took significantly less time and effort to manage the 5000+ applications we receive each year.

    We will continue our in person meetings when we can with our Student Awards Committee, but may rotate these meetings between digital and in person, as needed. It provided a flexibility our committee members really valued.

    I am particularly looking forward to much less Zoom meetings, and to instead see people in person once again.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3
    Foundant Team Member

    What a great topic. I encourage you to check out our Coffee Talk series from the last year - we had a lot of clients share what's gone well and what they'll be permanently changing since the Pandemic. These recordings are available at https://resources.foundant.com/foundant-coffee-talks