Contact List Management

BonnieBell Posts: 1
Conversation Starter Photogenic

How do others deal with external and internal contact list management, between Foundant and Excel for example?



  • GrettaKraus
    GrettaKraus Posts: 159 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler 100 Comments Second Compass Anniversary 25 Likes

    Hi @BonnieBell - This question was from awhile back; just moving it back to the top of the list in case anyone else has the same question or would like to share their experience!

  • LaurelShulman
    LaurelShulman Posts: 88 ✭✭✭
    Voter Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments

    We eradicated our internal spreadsheets over the course of lots of effort and 1-2 years. It felt like the biggest barrier for us was internal adoption of CSuite so we created numerous activities to educate our staff and named the goal of no shadow systems in our internal workplans.

  • SarahDill
    SarahDill Posts: 3
    Name Dropper First Comment First Compass Anniversary

    @BonnieBell -Did you ever figure this out? We're in the same boat.