Is there a place in the grant budget for facilities our nonprofit owns outright?

BethGore Posts: 1
Conversation Starter Second Compass Anniversary
edited March 2024 in Grant Writing & Management

Through strong local support our nonprofit owns our campus and facility outright, so our grant budgets never include rent or mortgage. Yet it seems to me there should be some way to show this value in a grant budget. Afterall, this is money we don't have to spend to continue our programs. Can I show it in the budget as in-kind - similar to volunteer instructors?


  • AlyseBraaten_
    AlyseBraaten_ Posts: 1
    First Comment Photogenic

    As a consultant in Grantmaking, I think adding it to the in-kind area is perfectly appropriate. It is a held asset that serves to lower the overall cost of your program and that is great information to have. I wouldn't add it to the budget as an expense because it will increase your overhead for the project and (if the funder looks at it) would increase the cost per person served.

    #grants #consultant