Must read books for Community Foundation professionals!

Posts: 16 ✭✭✭

I'm building out my 2023 book list and would like to sprinkle in some "must-reads" for community foundation/nonprofit professionals. What are your recommendations?
Hi and happy new year! I read two books that were kind of in this area last year, and I'd recommend them!
1. Philanthropy Revolution: How to Inspire Donors, Build Relationships and Make a Difference by Lisa Greer and Larissa Kostoff
- This one is written from the donor perspective which I found was an interesting take on the usual fundraiser focused literature.
2. Changing the World Without Losing Your Mind by Alexis Counts
- This one has a big focus on the organizational/cultural side of running a nonprofits. I think there can often be a lot of stress on those working in this sector, so it was refreshing to read something that focused on how to make nonprofits a better place to work.
Definitely looking for a few more recommendations for this year.
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- Nonprofit Storytelling for Board Members by Christopher Davenport
- Boards on Fire! by Susan Howlett
- Robert's Rules
- The Edge of Winter, a poem from Moving On, The Last Poems of Ed Lahey
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Quick read, but very impactful. Helps nonprofits refocus on the 'Why' instead of the 'How' of grants.
You Have a Hammer - Building Grant Proposals for Social Change, by @BarbaraFloersch.